I'm excited to see my chapbook title ("Blue Trajectory," also the title of this blog, not coincidentally) in the Dancing Girl Press Lineup for 2011-12.
Looking forward to the fall!
Also looking forward to the spring and summer in between. Winter, on the other hand, does not agree with me, although it is growing on me enough to be tolerable. I do find snow and even ice storms pretty and inspiring to look at, and sometimes a long weekend spent mostly indoors, writing, cooking, napping and watching movies, is kinda nice. This last weekend was one of those, and the back-to-work transition has been tough. The caffeine never quite kicked in today.
But then I'm always sleepy in the winter. All in all, if winter were downsized to half its length and the rest were split between spring and fall, I would be quite happy. Even the humid Washington summer could handle another week or two tacked on, I think — at the beginning, not the end.
Congrats on your chapbook with Dancing Girl Press!
Thanks so much, Jeannine! I really enjoyed your book.
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